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Current Affairs -2017 July - 01 to 10 (Chapter-03)

Current Affairs -2017
July - 01 to 10

51. Which country is hosting the 41st annual UNESCO World Heritage Committee conference?

52. American tech giant Oracle has chosen this city for its first digital hub in Asia-Pacific.

53. Which football team has won the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup?

54. Which university produced the world's most detailed scan of the brain's internal wiring?
Cardiff University

55. Which Indian personality has been bestowed with the 2017 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report Heroes Award?
Mahesh Bhagwat

56. Which state government is planning to set up environment-friendly transportation system in one of its cities?

57. The 2017 National Doctors Day (NDD) is celebrated on which date in India?
July 1

58. Who was appointed as the 21st Head of Election Commission?
Achal Kumar Joti

59. Who has become the first female Chief Executive of Hong Kong?
Carrie Lam

60. Which Indian mobile network operator has launched the world’s longest submarine cable system?
Reliance Jio

61. The World Sports Journalist Day (WSJD) is observed on which date?
July 2

62. Name the author who was recently honoured with the Indian of the Year Award by Brands Academy.
Preeti Shenoy

63. Who has been appointed as the new Attorney General of India?
K K Venugopal

64. Which country's PM won the confidence vote by an overwhelming majority in the National Assembly on July 4, 2017?

65. Who has been conferred with the 2017 Best astrologer of the world award?
T S Vneeth

66.  Where was the 4th National Summit on Good Replicable Practices and Innovations in Public Health Care Systems held on July 6, 2017?

67. What is the theme of the 2017 International Co-operative Day (IDC)?
Co-operatives ensure no one is left behind

68. Who has been appointed chairman of Tata Global Beverages Limited on July 3, 2017?
N Chandrasekaran

69. UN secretary general Antonio Guterras has appointed whom as a panel head for evaluating Syrian law violations?
Catherine Marchi-Uhel

70. Who has been appointed MD and CEO of Union Bank of India in July 2017?

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