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Current Affairs -2017 August - 01 to 10 (Chapter-02)

21. Central government has declared which state as a “disturbed” area under the controversial Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA) for one more month?

22. The 2017 National Handloom Day (NHD) is celebrated on which date?
August 7

23. Researchers from which institute have developed a highly sensitive, low cost nanometre-scale carbon monoxide (CO) sensor with possible applications in environmental pollution monitoring?
Indian Institute of Science

24. NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has discovered the strongest evidence to date for a stratosphere on an exoplanet, WASP-121b. The exoplanet is similar to which planet in our solar system?

25. Who has been selected for the 2017 Prem Nazir Award?

26. ‘National Handloom Day’ is celebrated in India on which date every year?
August 7

27. An all-women team of researchers from which IIT has developed a new drug delivery platform using nanoparticles?
IIT Delhi

28. India’s first private sector missile sub-systems manufacturing facility has set up in which city?

29. Which Indian wrestler clinched the bronze medal in women’s 59kg category of the Junior World Wrestling Championship in Tampere, Finland?
Manju Kumari

30. Which satellite has been jointly launched by France’s National Centre for Space Studies (CNES) and Israel’s space agency for monitoring the effects of climate change on vegetation?

31. Who has will be the new Vice-Chairman of NITI Aayog?
Rajiv Kumar

32. Which entity has joined hands with the Indian Dental Association (IDA) to start India’s first digital initiative for prevention and early detection of oral cancer?
Tata Memorial Centre

33. Who has been appointed as the new Ambassador of India to the Republic of Kazakhstan?
Prabhat Kumar

34. The Maharashtra government has constituted committee on safety measures for women in IT sector?
Rashmi Shukla committee

35. Paul Kagame has won third term in office as President of:

36. Who has been roped as Brand Ambassador for Swachh Bharat Mission in Uttar Pradesh?
Akshay Kumar

37. The 2017 Aadi Perukku festival is celebrated in which Indian state?
Tamil Nadu

38. India’s first dedicated helicopter-taxi (heli-taxi) service will be launched in which city?

39. Who was appointed as the new Air Oficer-in-Charge Administration of Indian Air Force?
Air Marshal Hemanat Narayan Bhagwat

40. Indian Army has developed which mobile app for soldiers to track promotions and postings?

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